What do you fear most in life? We all have to confront fear sometimes. Whether we are concerned about health, loss, the future, or some other threat,we seldom realize the power these fears hold over us. Our present world is one dominated by fear because we have rejected the Lord. Those without the proper fear of God will experience every other kind of fear.
The truth is that those of us who love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ need have no fear at all.
God’s Word is filled with encouraging promises for us to claim. The awesome words of Isaiah 41, for example, fill us with fresh confidence even in a world like this. The prophet writes, “Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God” (v. 10).
Scriptural Principles:
1 Fear can be godly or sinful.
Fear is a feeling of uneasiness or dread that we experience when we feel threatened. It begins with the Bible’s first man.Adam feared because he knew that he and Eve had ignored God’s command. Fear is often the product of sin, but not all fear is sinful. Good fears are the godly ones that represent our natural need for protection.There is also the fear of God that is described in Deuteronomy 10:12. The “fear of the Lord” is not being afraid of Him, but having a sense of awe and reverence for Him.We read in 2 Timothy 1:7 that “God has not given us a spirit of timidity or fear.” He is not the source of the fear that hinders us.
2 What are the causes of fear?
We learn at an early age to be wary of certain things. Babies fear falling and loud noises, but all other fears are learned through experience. Fears may be planted in our minds by the repetition of parents or teachers. Imagination can delude us into fears that are not based upon reality. Guilt from the past is another cause of fear if we fail to understand that we are fully forgiven by God. Lack of knowledge is another factor, as many believers aren’t aware that they have eternal security and need not fear judgment. Other people harbor fears because they doubt the Word of God, which is filled with promises for all of us.
3 What are the consequences of fear?
If you are beset by fears, you need to begin by asking what this way of life is costing you. It will impact us in ways we would never imagine, because fear does not represent who we are in Christ. Fear stifles our productivity, keeping us from doing our best. It also divides the mind, keeping us from focusing on those things God wants us to consider. It destroys our relationships and hinders us financially. The truth about fear is that it enslaves us by governing our attitudes. It will take hold of every area of a person’s life, so that the price of fear is a terrible one, and we seldom realize we are paying it.
4 Cure your fear by acknowledging it. The most important question about fear is how we might confront and conquer it. First, we know that fear does not come from God. (2 Timothy 1:7) We must believe that God will uphold us because He has promised to be with us every step of our journey. So we must claim His promise and acknowledge our fear, admitting to ourselves and to the Lord that we are afraid.Then, having acknowledged that fear is a reality for us, we can take the second step in curing fear.
5 Cure your fear by identifying its source.
The second step is to identify the source of our fear. Realizing we are afraid is not the same as understanding the source of our discomfort.There are times when we realize we are afraid, but we have a vague realization of what lies behind these emotions because we don’t want to face the truth. This is why it is so important to specifically identify the threat in life that is making us afraid. When you take this step, spend time reflecting carefully about the thoughts that are causing you such distress. Find the true cause, and give it a name.
6 Cure your fear by focusing on God.
The third step in curing fear is to turn your focus from your fear to your Father. Realize that He is in control of everything, whether it is your health, your job situation, your marriage—whatever the source of your fear may be. God is more powerful than any challenge we may face, and He loves us with an abiding love. Therefore we spend time with Him, thanking Him and praising Him. We claim Romans 8:28, which says that He will use all things for our good. As we do this, our hearts and minds find fresh encouragement.
7 Cure your fear by exercising faith.
The fourth step in facing our fear is to exercise faith. Now we fully realize that God is with us, and He has promised to be with us everywhere we go. Therefore we are free to walk in faith. This means living out the decisions we have made about Christ being Lord of all. If we really believe He is Lord, we will not become victims of our fear, but move forward with confidence that comes from faith in Him. It’s exciting to watch Him work through our faith as He provides for our every need.
8 Cure your fear by verbalizing the truth.
Finally, what is the best way to exercise our faith? We do so by putting our commitment into words. Having acknowledged and identified our fear, and having turned our focus to God, we might say, for example, “Thank you, Father, that I am saved. Thank you for protecting and providing for me. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts You give me each day. Now I know I can confront those things and those people in life that have made me so afraid, because You will go with me and give me strength.” By affirming the Word of God and speaking your faith, fear subsides as your trust grows stronger each day.
Let me ask you a question: Can you think of any truly good thing that God has not promised us? Can you think of any worldly threat for which He has not already provided our assurance? I know that if you are like virtually every other person in this world, you have fears that you have not faced spiritually and rationally.Why not identify them and turn them over to your Father today?
If fear has you in its grip, you need to realize that your problem is an issue of obedience. If you walk in the Spirit, trusting in the Lord with your heart, mind, and strength, His love will overpower your fear, His truth will overpower your irrational doubts, and His presence will cast out all darkness.
The cure for your fear is right within reach today. You need only take the hand of your Lord in faith. He has said, “Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about, for I am your God” (Isaiah 41:10). That is His promise, and our God has never yet forsaken a promise. We can place our trust in Him.
[Last part of Facing Life's Obstacles, see other related post.]
I cried while readig this...
Didn't realize that all i needed to do to over come the fear of losing every1 i love was just to focus on God...i shud have known better...i shud have remembered that the One who is always w/ us is far greater than anything we can think of..
truly..i see no reason to fear..
hi arjun,
thanks for stopping by, thanks for your comment, and I hope God may lead you to His peace everyday, as He promised, "Peace I gave unto you"... especially in moments you feel alone and lonely may His joy secures you...
Fear is a feeling of being unsafe in any circumstances. And we all need strength to conquer that fear..Through experiences in life in any ways, I have gone that far and overcome such feeling of uncomfort through fear in sense of physical and most especially emotional state of fear. The only thing that gives me courage is my faith in God that I knew he will never leave me nor forsake me. I've learned to lift up everything to Him and let His will be done.. And let my action take control according to His word.
Be not afraid!
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