Jan 29, 2010

The Ways of God Part 2: He Keeps His Word

Supporting Scripture: Deuteronomy 28:1-2; Genesis 2:16-17; 6:7-8, 18; 7:1, 5, 21-24; 12:1-3; 17:15-17; Exodus 3:10-12, 4:12, 21; 6;1; 12:30-32; Joshua 1:1-5; 6:1-2; Matthew 16:13-23; Revelation 22:3-5; Psalm 103:1-7

Who is this God whom you and I serve and worship? He is a God who loves us, and has saved us. Could you give a good description of Him, if you were asked?

Many people lack the understanding of who He is.To understand Him, it is necessary to know His ways. How does He think? What does He do in this world? We cannot know much about the God of creation until we begin to learn about His awesome ways. Psalm 103 lists some of them. It tells us that “He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the sons of Israel” (v. 7).

Scriptural Principles:

1 The promises of God are either absolute or conditional.
It is important to begin with the understanding that God makes two kinds of declarations. First, there are absolute declarations of the actions He will take.This means that whatever we may do or not do, God will still act as He has promised.Then there are conditional declarations, such as the one in Deuteronomy 28:1-2, that are promises which are conditional upon our behavior.

2 The promises of God are always kept.
Whether a promise of God is an absolute statement or a conditional offer, one matter is consistent: He always keeps His promises. Many people today read or hear the promises of God, but fail to realize their seriousness. He plays no games, and He never changes His ways.When He says,“I will,” you and I have a promise upon which to build our future.Throughout the Bible there are countless examples of how God’s promises are kept.

3 The promises of God are always clear.
Not only are God’s promises absolutely dependable, but they are always clear enough for every one to understand. In Genesis 2:16-17, God told Adam and Eve that they could eat from any tree in the garden except one. He said that in the day they ate from it, they would surely die. Disobedience meant death for Adam and Eve.There was no “if,” no “maybe,” nor any other qualification. God makes every promise clear enough for us to decide whether we will be obedient or disobedient.

4 The promises of God always involve consequences.
While God’s promises are clear and certain, they also carry dire and significant consequences. In the case of Adam and Eve, who ate from the tree God forbade, we see what happens when we refuse to follow God’s path. First, there was separation as Adam and Eve hid from God. Second, there was shame in the guilty knowledge of sin.Third,Adam and Eve expressed pride.The final consequence, of course, was death.

5 The promises of God are always complete.
God’s absolute declarations carry no conditions, but are complete in every way. In Genesis 12:1-3, God offered such a promise to Abraham. He said, “I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great” (v. 2). He declared that all the families of the earth would be blessed by the name of Abraham.This same covenant would also include Abraham’s son Isaac.

6 The promises of God defy the impossible.
Many times we fail to believe the promises of God because they seem unlikely. God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would become the parents of a child, even though they were far too old by human standards.“Will a child be born to a man one hundred years old? And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Genesis 17:17) We need to remember that nothing is impossible for Him.

7 The promises of God don’t divulge all the details.
God requires our absolute obedience to His absolute promises, but He expects us to obey without knowing all the details.We must walk in faith and watch Him work, leaving the details to Him. At the Red Sea, God promised Moses and the Israelites that He would handle the chariots of Egypt. He does not owe us all the information, but we owe Him simple obedience because we know that He always keeps His promises.

8 The promises of God are independent of human logic.
Many people fail to take God’s promises seriously because they depend upon what makes sense from a human point of view. Joshua could have doubted God when he was given his instructions to attack Jericho by simply marching around the walls and blowing trumpets. After following the leadership of Moses, Joshua knew to trust God and watch Him work, leaving the circumstances to His power and wisdom.

9 The promises of God offer hope for the world.
When we follow His declarations, we find they lead to hope for the world. When Peter acknowledged that Jesus was the Son of the living God, Jesus offered the promise that He would build His church upon that truth of His Sonship. (Matthew 16:13-23) The Great Commission also offers hope for the world, because Jesus has promised us that we would carry the hope of the Gospel to every corner of the globe.

10 The promises of God extend to every facet of daily life.
It is clear that God’s promises can be seen from Genesis through the Gospels, but how do they relate to our daily lives? First, we can act upon His promise that if we confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved.Then we can claim the promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Finally, He promised to send His Holy Spirit to live within us and guide us.

11 The promises of God demand our faithful obedience.
He always blesses us through His promises.Are we wise enough to trust Him, walk in faith, and live in obedience? If we know that when He says, “I will,” we can obey Him and look forward to the day when He raises us and brings us to heaven.Then we will see His face, and finally reign with the Son of God, as promised in Revelation 22:3-5.


I wonder whether you are willing to believe that He keeps His promises? If I asked you whether you believed it, you might quickly say yes. If I asked you to show it in complete obedience and submission to Christ, however,would you hesitate?

God has offered us so many promises through His Word and in our daily lives, if only we will listen. Every single promise is given for His glory and for our blessing. Every single one will bring us joy, fulfillment, and the adventure of walking in faith.

Jan 28, 2010

A Letter From Hell

This is a video YOU MUST SEE...

Things You Should Know

1. All men have sinned. There is no exception

Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one;
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

2. All men shall pay for their sins.

Romans 6:23a For the wages of sin is death...

3. God loved us in spite of our sins.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 6:23b ...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

4. What man should do to be saved is CONFESS his sin and RECEIVE Christ by faith.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

5. Assurance after a man is saved or received Christ in his heart, he is no longer condemned.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Receive Christ now in your heart,
pray to God and ask forgiveness of your sins.

We Shall See Jesus

1. Once on a hillside, people were gathered
Hoping to see Him as thousands were fed
He touched the blind eyes, healed broken spirits
He moved with compassion, and even raised up the dead

2. Once on a hillside, people were gathered
Watching as Jesus was crucified
No one showed mercy to one who had healed them
Yet Jesus loved them as He suffered and died

3. Once on a hillside, people were gathered
For Jesus had risen and soon would ascend
But then as He blessed them, He rose to the Heavens
And He gave them this promise: He'd come back again

We shall see Jesus just as they saw Him
There is no greater promise than this
When He returns in power and glory
We shall see Jesus
We shall see Jesus
We shall see Jesus just as He is

Jan 27, 2010

Ano ba ang tamang edad sa pag-aasawa?

The Ways of God Part 1: The Best Way

Supporting Scripture: Exodus 33:13; Deuteronomy 10:12; Psalm 81:10-16; Deuteronomy 32:3-4; 1 Kings 2:1-3; Isaiah 55:8-9; Psalm 25:1-5

If I told you a few facts about God, could you say you knew Him? You would probably agree that it wouldn’t be enough merely to know some facts or doctrines about God. In order to say you really knew Him, you would need to have intimate knowledge of Him. We know about God by His acts, which are His deeds. The ways of God, however, tell us about how He thinks and the nature of His heart. David, the psalmist, writes, “Make me know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths” (Psalm 25:4).The ways of God run deeper than His actions, and they provide us with a path to know Him more deeply.

As you and I begin to understand the ways of God, we become more able to enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. That is what He desires above all things, and what we should desire as well.

Scriptural Principles:

1 We should know the ways of God because it is essential in knowing Him.
Why should we care to learn the ways of God? First, because knowing His ways is essential to knowing Him.We read, “Let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight” (Exodus 33:13). The heart of God can be known through the ways of God, which leads to life’s greatest pleasure of knowing Him personally and intimately.

2 We should know the ways of God because He requires it.
God commands us to know His ways. Deuteronomy 10:12 tells us that God requires that we should fear Him,walk in all His ways, and love Him. Since He requires us to know these ways, He will help us understand them. How will He do so? We will learn His ways one at a time, as we ask Him to show us.

3 We should know the ways of God because it is the yearning of His heart.
All through the pages of the Scriptures, we learn that the heart of God deeply desires our fellowship. This fact alone should motivate us to seek Him more passionately. He wants us to know Him in a deep, meaningful way. In Psalm 81:10, God says to His people, “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it,” much like a mother bird with her babies. He is saying, “Trust Me and expand your faith.”

4 We should know the ways of God because He loves us.
He offers us His way, the wisest way, because He is an all-wise God who loves us and desires the best for us. He wants each one of us to realize that His way is so much better, and if we could only discover it and follow it, we would be so much happier. Just as every parent tries to guide his or her child in the best way, out of love, God wants the best for us.

5 We should know the ways of God because it is the best way.
No matter what situation we may be facing, no matter how difficult a choice it may be, we can be certain that God’s way is the best way, even if it is a difficult and painful one. Deuteronomy 32:3-4 tells us that “For all His ways are just . . . righteous and upright is He.” We struggle with decisions sometimes, needing to realize that the secret is to find out His way in this situation.

6 We should know the ways of God because it is the pathway to success.
The truth is that God’s way offers the most success. What is real success? The world’s definition involves wealth and power, but true success is godly living. When we do that, He blesses us above and beyond our circumstances. We discover that wealth cannot compare to the joy we receive. According to 1 Kings 2:1-3, we should keep His commandments so that we may succeed in all we do.

7 What does it mean to walk in the ways of God?
We can say many wonderful things about walking in His ways because it is the best way. For example, it is the way that builds our faith, as we observe the consequences of our obedience, as well as our disobedience.

His way is the most rewarding way, though not necessarily the easiest way.The ways of God also demonstrate His awesome power in our lives.

8 The ways of God are beyond us, unless He reveals them.
The Bible tells us that His ways are beyond us, so how can we know them? God says,“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts,” (Isaiah 55:9). Even so, we can know Him because He reveals Himself to us through the Holy Spirit.

9 What are the benefits of walking in His ways?
The benefits of walking in His ways are many. When we experience intimacy with God, we understand Him better, and we enjoy our prayer life as we realize that we are communicating with almighty God. Since He hears and answers our prayers, we have the benefit of receiving His viewpoint and learning to wait on Him.

10 What happens when we walk in His ways?
We learn to experience victory in life as we walk in His ways because they become an anchor in the storm. Instead of growing weary or discouraged, we have hope and anticipation because we have learned to wait upon the Lord. As we observe His faithfulness, He begins to pour His love and devotion into our lives, and we begin to have a strong, positive impact on the people around us.

11 How do we walk in the ways of God?
If you yearn to follow His path, ask God to forgive your sins through the sacrificial gift of Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection. Trust Him as your personal Savior. Seek His guidance, keep in step with the Spirit, and grow in His Word. The Lord will begin to change your destiny as you obey Him and leave all the consequences to Him.


What is the nature of your knowledge of God? Do you know some facts about Him, some acts by Him, or perhaps some doctrines about Him? Can you really say that you know Him intimately in the way He yearns to know you?

The path toward that kind of relationship is to walk in His ways. He will not hide them from you. His deepest desire is to have your daily friendship. He loves you, and He has established a path for your life that is available in His Word and through the guidance of His Spirit.

Learn His ways,walk in them, and know the abundant life, joy, and peace of your Lord.

Jan 26, 2010

God’s Purpose in the Storm

When you gaze the storm afar off, you may say what a wonderful sighting.
But you can't see how wonderful it is when you are underneath the storm.

Supporting Scripture: Psalm 119:67,71; Psalm 57:1; 2Corinthians 1:4; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Romans 8:28-29

Violent storms have devastated our world in recent times. Tragic images of destruction flowed across your television screen and mine. As I watched the news reports with sadness and compassion, I was reminded of other storms—the quieter storms that trouble people in their
everyday lives. These trials may bring no rain or winds but the danger is just as great.What is God’s purpose in personal storms?

This subject quickly brings to mind the familiar words of Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” These powerful words are misunderstood and misquoted when people claim that “everything works for good.”

It does not! Almighty God causes everything to work together for good, for those who love Him. Therefore it is very important how you and I respond to the circumstances we face.

What about you, my friend? How do you behave during the storms of life that have nothing to do with weather?

Scriptural Principles:

1 God commands our attention through cleansing.
Six simple words help us understand God’s purposes for the storms of life.The first is cleansing. God oftentimes sends the storms when you and I are not walking in His will. If you are rebelling against His plan for you, then you can count on the coming of some kind of storm.The psalmist wrote, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your Word” (Psalm 119:67). Four verses later, the psalmist added that the storm helped him to learn obedience. If some troubling crisis in your own life drives you to depend more upon Him, wouldn’t you agree that the crisis turned out to be a good thing? We must understand that sometimes God sends the storm because He loves us. It is painful and we suffer, but the end result makes the suffering worth every tear we shed.

2 God wants us to walk intimately with Him in companionship.
God blesses us so often and so graciously that His very blessings become distractions to us. It is easy to be so involved with our gifts that we forget the Giver. Sometimes when a storm comes God will use it to help us return to a loving relationship with Him.When you turn from Him, you will experience a “divine loneliness,” an emptiness that will cause you to seek Him more intimately. If it takes a storm for you to recognize your need for God’s companionship, He is willing to send it. David wrote,“In the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge, until destruction passes by” (Psalm 57:1). You and I may not like the dark clouds, but God loves us enough to bring us home through them. He longs for the intimate friendship that difficult times make possible.

3 God is reshaping us to the likeness of His Son by conformity.
Romans 8:29 tells us that in using all things to work together, God’s great goal is that we “become conformed to the image of His Son.” Conformity explains His purpose for all of the storms in your life. We are poured into the mold of worldliness by the books we read, the television shows we watch, and the friendships we cultivate. God wants to mold us into the shape of His own Son. We are influenced most by the person upon whom we gaze most often. It could be a movie star or a sports hero. The human imagination is one of the most powerful aspects of our identity. If I want to resemble the Lord Jesus Christ, I will gaze upon Him.The storms help to shape us, and cause us to take our eyes away from the world and place them upon Him.

4 God wants to do something special with us through comfort.
The Lord wants to use you every day of your life “so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:4). We will not have that comfort to give unless we have first received it ourselves. God’s storms prepare us to support His other children when they are battered by storms of their own.When our hearts are broken, our hands become stronger through comforting others. He props open the doors of our hearts, and we become more sensitive and compassionate to those around us in difficult circumstances. Then we become living, caring tools in the hands of a loving God who wants to bless everyone who needs to be blessed.

Remember, the deeper the valley and the darker the storm, the greater blessing we will become to others. Ours is an awesome God with awesome purposes for you and for me.

5 God helps us determine what we believe about Him through convictions.
When the storms of life come, we discover exactly what kind of faith we have. It’s not difficult to have conviction when the the sun is shining, but what about when a crisis arrives? Storms reveal our doubts, but they also deepen our dependence.When we have no refuge in this world, trusting in Him teaches us how present, powerful, protective, and providing He is when we need Him the most. We emerge as changed people, more trusting and faithful when the next storm appears on life’s horizon. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 12:9 how he learned, through terrible trials including beatings, stonings, and imprisonment, that God’s grace was sufficient for Him in any crisis. The times of torment served not to diminish his faith but to make it stronger. Can you say that about the storms of your life?

6 God wants to rescue us from our own disobedience through change.
How terrible a crisis will it take for God to get your attention? Look at the New Testament example of Paul. Did Paul turn to God when he witnessed the tragic stoning of Stephen, a loving and obedient Christian? No, for Paul persisted in attacking the church. It took blindness and helplessness during a journey to Damascus, when Paul finally saw Christ face to face. A terrible, humbling calamity was required for Paul to change into someone who could be useful to the Lord—and how useful Paul became! The intensity of the storm and the depth of the valley is based on the intensity and depth of your rebellion against God.

The deeper the hole you dig for yourself, the deeper He must reach to rescue and bless you.


My friend, I want to challenge you to hold these six words close to your heart in the coming days: cleansing, companionship, conformity, comfort, conviction, and change. It could be that a storm of some kind will appear in your life. How will you respond?

Could this storm have risen because you have strayed from God? Is there some sin that needs to be cleansed? Is your faith strong enough to walk with Him even in the midst of dark times?

You can be certain that whatever storm you may face, God has a purpose for it, and His purpose is loving and just. In the end, you will be able to say that because He is so good, the storm that He allows to happen is good as well.

Jan 25, 2010

Rep. Bienvenido M. Abante, Jr.


Representative Bienvenido M. Abante, Jr. was born in the outskirts of Sampaloc, Manila, on July 15, 1951, the eldest of four sons of the late Rev. Ben O. Abante, Sr.. and Priscilla Mirando. He has 2 younger brothers, Jose Hernes and Reuben, both Ministers of the Gospel. Bp. Reuben is also the Commissioner of the Presidential Commission on Values Formation directly under the Office of the President.

Congressman Abante grew up taking on odd-jobs such as shining shoes, selling newspapers and corsages and working on a construction site at a tender age to support himself. A market vendor before becoming a fulltime pastor, he also worked in an accounting firm as an auditor. In 1975, he started the Metropolitan Bible Baptist Church in the historic town of Sta. Ana.

He took up Commerce and Theology, graduating in Theology with high honors. He also holds a Masters degree in Government Management from the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila and a doctorate in Theology from Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

He is the leader of independent, biblical Baptist Pastors who presently comprised the 6,000-membership strong of a national organization which he has founded in 1986 - the BIBLE BELIEVERS LEAGUE OF MORALITY & DEMOCRACY (BIBLEMODE), spearheading their sometimes uphill battle against moral evils that threaten their PRO-GOD, PRO-FAMILY and PRO-LIFE advocacy. He also heads the Abante International Ministries (AIM), the Lifesavers Orphanage, the Baptist International Light-house Relief and Rescue Missions (BAILER), and is the Director of World Hope Asia.

A much-sought after speaker in some of the largest Baptist churches in America, Rep. Abante has also authored books and manuals for church growth, personal evangelism, cheerful giving and has published a compilation of his privilege speeches in Congress.

Due to his sterling performance as Councilor of the 6th District of Manila, he holds the distinction of being voted throughout his 3-year term as “Most Outstanding Councilor.” He is a moral crusader, a public servant, a nationalist, a person of the masses, and a devoted servant of God.

With fervent love for his country, Dr. Abante sought to serve the greater number of his fellowmen. He ran and won a seat in Congress in May 2004. As Representative of the 6th District of Manila, Dr. Benny Abante wants to serve his beloved nation not only as a distinguished statesman, but also as an Ambassador of God in the halls of Congress.

During his first term, he was voted as one of 2006’s Most Outstanding Congressmen because of his performance par excellence: a member of 15 standing and special committees; recently appointed as Chairman of the Committee on Public Information, the 2nd vice chairman of the Committee on Ethics and Privileges, and vice chairman of the Committee on Appropriations. Not usually done with first termers, during the 13th Congress he was appointed as Chairman of one of its most controversial committees, the Committee on Human Rights.

For the second time, Rep. Abante was chosen as one of the 14th Congress’ Most Outstanding Congressmen, attesting to his highly-principled public service. With high regard to his exceptional performance, he presently holds the following Committee Memberships:

· Chairman, Committee on Public Information

· Senior Vice Chairman, Committee on Civil, Political and Human Rights

· 2nd Vice Chairman, Committee on Ethics and Privileges

· Vice Chairman, Committee on Appropriations

· Vice Chairman, Special Committee on Metro Manila Development

· Member, Committee on Information & Communication Technology

· Member, Committee on Basic Education & Culture

· Member, Committee on Transportation

· Member, Committee on Good Government

· Member, Committee on Defense

· Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs

On the grassroots level, his priority projects trickle down to each of the 139 barangays under his jurisdiction, the 6th District of Manila. His major undertakings focus on health, education, social services and infrastructure development and/or improvement. These have all been properly documented and accounted for in two (2) volumes of his annual “ULAT NG BAYAN” Accomplishment Report, manifesting his high sense of responsibility and love for the people of his district.

Some of his landmarks bills filed in Congress are:






Co-Authored -

- R. A. No. 9502 – An Act Providing for Cheaper and Quality Medicines, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 8293 or the Intellectual Property Code, Republic Act No. 6675 or the Generics Act of 1988, and... Approved by the President on June 6, 2008

- R. A. No. 9504 – An ACT Amending Sections 22, 24, 34, 35, 51 and 79 of Republic Act No. 8424, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code of 1987. Approved by the President on June 17, 2008. (INCREASING the tax exemption privileges of individual taxpayers to P200,000 for married couples with four dependent children, ANd a uniform personal tax exemption of P50,000 for taxpayers who are single, married, or head of the family)

Who would even imagine that a former shoeshine boy, flower vendor, and construction worker that paid his way to school would now be regarded as one of the most influential men in our time and in our land?

With his consuming passion in life to serve his God and his country with all integrity and honesty, Rep. Abante continues to stand and fight for what is good, and right and true, despite the odds and the hazards that go with the job.

Jan 24, 2010

I wish I could go back to the future, erh I mean to the past.

Look the Old Manila before . . . Now only in my dreams how I wish I have walked the streets of Manila in those times . . .

How clean is the street? Wow, I can't imagine ganun pala ang Escolta noong araw.

Ang daming vintage car!!! And still the streets are very clean...

Wow mga aristocrats visiting our country...

Ang galing talaga ng Maynila ang disente tignan!!!

Look at that, City Hall of Manila at the back...

Manila Bay very much blue... I don't know now :(

Disente tignan ang mga tao noon, walang naka-short, walang naka-sando,
at wala rin akong nakikitang naka-tsinelas...

Ilog Pasig is much cleaner...

Makati City not crowded hahahaha...

Look at that vintage car, I like it very much... See Quaipo Church...

Jeepney are not overloaded hahaha...
Dencio's siguro ang sarap ang pagkain dyan...

Confidence in Troubled Times

Supporting Scripture: Psalms 103:19; 23:4; 37:4; 139;Matthew 6:8; 28:18-20; John 14:6; 15:4; Philippians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10; Hebrews 13:5; Romans 8:28-39

Do you ever feel that life is one challenge after another? Perhaps you are one of thousands who struggles to keep your home, feed your family, or stay employed. Or maybe your battle involves your health, your marriage, or a rebellious child. Whatever form it takes, hardship comes to every life sooner or later. You and I live in a fallen world. Even as believers, we have no guarantee that our lives will be easy.

However, we don’t have to be anxious in the midst of difficulty. The Word of God gives us four
foundational truths that can help face troubled times with confidence.

Scriptural Principles:

1 God controls our circumstances.
Psalm 103:19 says, “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty reigns over all.” This promise is the basis of our confidence in troubled times. We can be sure that the Father will bring good even out of negative experiences in the lives of those who love Him (Rom. 8:28).

Many people think that the Christian life is supposed to be trouble free. But the Bible never promises a comfortable life. Instead, the Father’s goal for us is to learn how to depend on Him and become more like Christ (Rom. 8:29). To learn how to rely on God,we must first realize how much we need Him. That is one reason why He allows difficulty in our lives. Other people have a limited degree of freedom to sin against us, and the Father also permits disease, natural disaster, and other tragedy. Despite this, we can have confidence based on two facts: (1) nothing can happen to one of God’s children unless He allows it; and (2) if the Lord allows adversity, He will bring good out of it somehow.

2 God will meet our needs.
Romans 8:31-32 says, “If God is for us,who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but
delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” In other words, since the Father allowed Jesus to be sacrificed on our behalf,we should not doubt that He will provide for us.

Although we have the freedom to pray about everything, Scripture tells us that God knows what we lack before we even ask (Matt. 6:8).

Philippians 4:19 says,“My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ
Jesus.” Notice that this verse does not promise that we will get all we want from God. In fact, if the Lord gave us all we desire, we would certainly regret some of our requests. Our heavenly Father knows what to withhold and what to give us.

Why does God allow some prayers to go unanswered? There are two primary reasons: He wants to teach us to depend on Him, or He has something better for us. Remember that the Father’s ultimate purpose is to conform us into the image of His Son, not to grant our wishes or make our lives comfortable.

But we can learn how to be content in every circumstance, trusting God to supply us with all we
truly need (2 Cor. 12:9-10).

3 God is always with us.
In Romans 8:35-39, Paul writes that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. The problem comes when you and I rely on our feelings instead of on the truth of God’s Word. Certainly, there are times when we might not sense His presence.And when the Father doesn’t answer in our timing or He doesn’t answer as we expected, we might wonder if He even hears our prayers. But if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, the Holy Spirit is living within you, and He is aware of your every thought (John 15:4).

In Hebrews 13:5, our Savior promised, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.” His
presence can comfort us, heal us, transform our circumstances, and bless us in countless other ways. For instance, Scripture says that God already sees believers as glorified—holy and without sin—just as we will be in eternity (Rom. 8:30).

The promise of God’s presence is exclusively for those who have accepted His Son. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6).Apart from accepting the gift of forgiveness through the death of His Son, sinful humanity can not access the presence of Holy God. That’s why the only person who can say “The Lord is always with me” is the one who has confessed Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior.

4 God loves us with an eternal love.
If you were to ask the average person,“Do you believe God loves you?” few people would be sure. But the Lord does love His creation because His very nature is love (Rom. 8:35-39). He loves us even when we sin although He despises our ungodly behavior. In love, He will discipline us to keep us from hurting or destroying ourselves.

In the key passage, every single verse is an expression of God’s love. In verse 28, His love causes all things to work together for good for our sakes. Verse 29 says, in love, He foreknew and predestined us to become like His Son. In verse 30, God predestined, called, justified, and glorified us because of His love. Verse 31 says no one can successfully come against us because of our heavenly Father’s loving protection. In verse 32, He gave His only Son out of love for us. Looking at verses 33-34, we see that God justifies us and saves us from condemnation because of love. In verse 35, Paul asks, “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?” and ultimately concludes that nothing can (Rom. 8:39).

In short, this passage teaches believers that no matter what we face, we can come out richer spiritually than when we started. If we will surrender ourselves to Almighty God, He can use any situation or circumstance for our good.


Are you facing a problem that is beyond your control? Does it disrupt your peace and challenge
your trust in God? Consider this—the Father loved you so much that He sent Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for your sins. If the Lord was willing to offer His only Son on your behalf in order to free you from the power of sin, surely He will provide everything else you need.

When unexpected tragedy or hardship comes your way, remember that your heavenly Father is in control of all that happens to you.

He will provide exactly what you need, when you need it. The four foundational truths in this message can transform the way you respond to difficulty. Place your trust fully in the Lord, and you will have confidence in every circumstance you face.

Jan 23, 2010

Confronting Closed Doors

Supporting Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:8-9; 2 Corinthians 2:12; Colossians 4:2-3; Psalm 27:14; Isaiah 64:4; Acts 16:5-13

We’ve all experienced it: cherished plans that must be abandoned. Doors suddenly close before our eyes, and we ask God why He would allow these disappointments. Then we respond in one of two ways. We make matters worse with the wrong response, or we trust God and move on with new reasons for hope.

In Acts 16, the apostle Paul saw his hopes fall short not once but twice. He had carefully planned
for his second missionary journey, but God seemed to be closing doors. Paul and his companions were “forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia” (Acts 16:6). Again at Bithynia, “the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them.”

Why would the Holy Spirit forbid Paul to preach? This passage teaches us how to confront a
situation where God closes doors we wish to open.

Scriptural Principles:

1 Who is responsible for our closed doors?
There are several reasons why our desired plans may suddenly be cut off. We could simply be the victim of circumstances; the place and the time could be wrong. Then again, another person or group may close the door. We could be hindered by the work of Satan. Of course, sometimes it is God Himself who is intentionally moving to prevent us from some action that we are eager to take.

2 God closes doors to protect us from our own mistakes.
Why would God close a door and disappoint us? There are many sensible reasons. The first of these is that He loves us and wants to protect us from our own ignorance. When our plans fall through, it is an important opportunity for relying upon our faith in God. After all, we don’t have all the information, but we know that He does. If we knew the plans He has for us, we would realize our mistaken perceptions.

3 God closes doors to redirect us.
Another reason God might close a door is to send us in a different direction. We cannot see the future, and have no way of realizing a greater opportunity than the one we desire. The story of Paul shows that God is capable of moving you through another door for greater service and fruitfulness in your life. The apostle had planned to visit small towns in Asia, yet God redirected Paul’s steps into the European continent through the gateway of Macedonia. This redirection would have a profound impact upon world history.

4 God closes doors through promptings of the Spirit.
Paul didn’t wait for God to explain His reasons. God owes us no explanations, but we owe Him immediate obedience. The Lord directs our steps through the simple promptings of the Spirit. How do we recognize that message? It is a strong, godly impression about what we should do. He sensitizes us over time so that we learn to recognize His voice. This is a part of growing in Christian maturity. By trial and error, we learn to trust Him by discovering what a mistake we make by ignoring His prompting.

5 God closes doors to test us.
God may also close doors in order to test us. Closed doors test us in two particular areas: faith and perseverance. In terms of faith, are we ready to trust in what God is instructing us? Will we rest on the principle that He always, with no exceptions, causes all things to work together for our good? It is a test of faith. In terms of perseverance, will we stand firm over time? Will we become discouraged in our faith and wander from our reliance upon Him, or will we redouble our resolve by drawing closer?

6 God closes doors to fulfill His timing.
We may never realize that a tremendous and exciting opportunity is just around the corner. Walking through the wrong door could cause us to miss something wonderful that was part of the Lord’s plan. Sometimes it’s all a matter of divine timing. The door we want to walk through is a good one, just as we thought, but the hour for walking through it was wrong, and God is working to equip us for a future opportunity.

7 God closes doors due to our disobedience.
We may have chosen the correct door, but prevented ourselves from walking through it. In other words, we may have become disqualified due to our own disobedience. God is always watching to see if we are willing to obey Him. He never uses servants who do things their own way. Therefore, if we fail to follow His guidance, He will close the door until we prove trustworthy, or He will direct someone else through it.

8 What are the wrong ways to respond when God closes doors?
There are several mistakes we can make when opportunities fall through. We shouldn’t try to force those doors open through our own strength. Don’t ask someone else to open the door for you rather than waiting upon God. It is a terrible mistake to become emotionally upset and give in to anger, then bitterness, then hostility toward God and life. Be wise and avoid the trap of looking for other people to blame.

9 What are the right ways to respond when God closes doors?
One of the greatest biblical principles is to wait upon God. How long? We should wait until we hear a clear word from Him. God “acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him” (Isaiah 64:4). Therefore we should think positively as we wait.We should look for God’s purpose in these new developments in life. Why not ask Him to show us His purposes? He will often make the answer clear to us. As we wait and trust God, we can anticipate His wonderful answers and we can be faithful where we are until His will becomes known.


Wherever you may be in life, you can be certain that God has the best in mind for you. You and I
are bound to run into many closed doors in life. We will be disappointed regularly because we don’t always know what is best for us. Why rebel against a loving God, and not trust His infinite wisdom?

Instead, we should wait patiently whether doors are open or closed. We should never run
ahead of God or behind Him, but keep in step with the Spirit, knowing that He is acting in our
behalf; He will work all things for our good.

When we accept unpleasant surprises in stride, our faith grows stronger, and our witness grows
more powerful. Then as our ministry multiplies, you and I can thank God for loving us enough to
open the right door at the perfect time, and with His blessings.

Jan 20, 2010

Being a Good Steward...

Are you a good steward of your time and resources?

Watch this video...See for yourself...

Now, how do you see yourself after 5 to 10 years from now?

Have you ever wonder why Lord gave the story of the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 24:14-30 ...

Let's read it again...

Matthew 25:14-30 (King James Version)

14For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

15And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

16Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

17And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

18But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.

19After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

20And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

21His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

22He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

23His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

24Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

25And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

26His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

27Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

28Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

29For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

30And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

What I can see here the first two fellow who receives 10 and 5 talents had gained 100% percent and returned everything to their lord, but the other one who received 1 talent had gained nothing or just getting even. Which many Christians are like this, they are just getting even from all the blessings they received from God. And they considered themselves, they have given much already to the Lord.

After all the effort and endeavors or I may say having 10 to 15 years working in a company they just came out getting even, for what? And they say I have done a good job. Huh? What good job? Look again what happen to Bruno from the video clip, he got himself a house, a cow and some earnings which many of us have the same way of thinking especially for those who are working abroad (OFW). Not like Pablo his contribution was much greater benefit not only for himself but also to many people around him. And this what the Bible says, "turning the world up-side-down" for Jesus.

If we have like Pablo even in our ministry today our churches and congregations may have increase and shall multiply... Being a good steward, it is not just spending time and doing our best but rather giving our all to the Lord and He'll provide the best for us to do our part in this life.

Remember there's no shortcuts in this life... we may find it burdensome but rewarding... :)


Exposing False Teachers

Supporting Scripture: Matthew 7:15-23;Ephesians 5:6; 2 Peter 2:2-3; Jude 4; Jude 12-13;2 Timothy 4:3-4; Peter 3:17-18.

The good news about Christ is the most amazing, wonderful, and liberating news that our world has ever heard. Is it any wonder, then, that God’s Word is the battlefield of Satan? The devil does his best to undermine the authority of the Bible at every opportunity. Jesus told His disciples that His Word and His church would prevail in the end. While the devil is already defeated, his teaching is still dangerous to us. How can believers identify and correct those who twist what Scripture says? The best way to guard against those who spread false doctrine is to know the truth. In 2 Peter 1:12 – 15, the disciple teaches that even though believers have been established in the truth, he considers it right to “stir you up by way of reminder.” Peter addressed this issue near the end of his life in his second letter.

Scriptural Principles:

1 A false teacher’s message deceives.
Peter warns us that false teachers are everywhere. How can we recognize them? There are several traits of a false prophet. The first is that he preaches a deceptive message. Jesus said in Matthew 7:15-23 that false teachers are ravenous wolves clothed as sheep, and that we recognize them by their works. These teachers come into churches with an agenda of their own, and they use deception to further that agenda. They will often mention “different views” about God’s Word. Ephesians 5:6 warns us,“Let no one deceive you with empty words”. Make no mistake about it, deception brings about the wrath of God.

2 A false teacher’s message denies the truth.
We can also recognize a false teacher by the fact that he denies the truth of the Word of God. They deal in half-truths, affirming some parts of the Bible while picking at certain other key sections of God’s Word. A false teacher knows that if he can undermine only one portion of the Scriptures, then it will be much easier to destroy our faith in the rest of it. All of our doctrine, the basis of our beliefs, is found in those Scriptures, so the false teacher attacks us right there at the source.

3 A false teacher’s message is sensual.
Third, the message of the false teacher is marked by sensuality. Peter writes, “Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned” (2 Peter 2:2). Why their sensuality? False teachers deny the authority of God’s Word and become permissive. They encourage others to do the same, living without moral restraints and counting on God’s forgiveness after the fact. Jude 4 reads, “For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness.”

4 A false teacher’s message is motivated by greed.
Peter continues,“In their greed they will exploit you with false words” (2 Peter 2:3). Greed and sensuality are often connected. We notice that false teachers follow a particular pattern in taking advantage of people. They play to the emotions of their audience, then make their appeal for money. False teachers offer many unscriptural ideas about giving in order to get something from God. There is no guarantee of how God will choose to bless us, we can only obey His Word and trust Him.

5 A false teacher’s message is divisive.
Peter and Paul helped young churches grow during the first century. In many of these congregations they discovered trouble created by false prophets, who constantly sought to destroy the unity of the local church. These teachers ruined many friendships because they wanted to separate godly people from any opportunity to hear the truth. This still occurs in the modern church, as false teachers disrupt the fellowship at every opportunity. They challenge the teaching of Scripture by offering “new ideas,” that are permissive and sensual.

6 A false teacher’s message is exploitive.
False teachers want people to follow them because it feeds their ego. They find pride in being leaders. As they convince or persuade a few, they also continue to attract new followers. That involves exploiting other people by claiming a false authority. Inevitably they become involved in many kinds of personaldis obedience before God, because they now believe themselves to be above His divine authority. In the end, they destroy the credibility of the church.

7 We recognize a false teacher by his character.
What kind of fruit do false teachers produce? The false prophet is dictatorial, self-willed, and resistant to any form of authority, including the Lordship of Christ. We must observe the lives they lead and thecharacter they exhibit, and therefore recognize that they are teachers of a false gospel. Jude described themes “hidden reefs” (dangerous), “clouds without water,” (empty of refreshment), “trees without fruit, doublydead, uprooted,” and “wandering stars for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever” (Jude 12-13).

8 We recognize a false teacher by his followers.
What kind of people listen to and obey false teachers? If we pay attention to how they live, we can observe the fruits of hearing a false message. In 2 Timothy 4:3-4, we learn that many people will find false teachers to “tickle their ears” with a message they want to hear, and they will turn away from truth. “They will notendure sound doctrine,” Paul writes. (v. 3) People follow false teachers because the message is convenient and soothing to them. It becomes so comfortable that the truth seems unendurable to them.

9 We can protect ourselves from false teachers.
To be safe from false teachers, we must study the Word of God, which reveals His truth on every subject. We should be able to speak clearly the truth about Jesus Christ, His teachings, death, Resurrection, and return; we should know about the three persons of God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and many other doctrinal issues. Second,we should also expose false doctrine and show its errors. Third, we should always be on the alert for false doctrine. Finally, when we encounter false teachers,we must separate ourselves from them.


It matters what we believe; it matters to our families,the world around us, and to ourselves. What we believe determines how we live our lives. If we live by false doctrine, we ultimately face the consequences. Peter writes, “Be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:17-18). Are you on your guard? Are you a student of the awesome Word of God?

Mayaman vs. Mahirap

Old jokes sometime makes us smile hehehe...

1.) Kung mayaman ka, meron kang "allergy" Kung mahirap ka, ang tawag dyan ay "galis" o "bakokang"

2.) Sa mayaman, "nervous breakdown" dahil sa "tension and stress" Sa mahirap, "sira ang ulo"

3.) Sa mayamang "malikot ang kamay", ang tawag ay "kleptomaniac" Sa mahirap, ang tawag ay "magnanakaw" o "kawatan"

4.) Pag mayaman ka, you're "eccentric" Kung mahirap ka, "may toyo ka sa ulo" o "may topak" o "may sayad"

5.) Kung mayaman ka at sumakit ang ulo mo, ikaw ay may "migraine" Kung mahirap ka naman at sumakit angulo mo, ikaw ay "nalipasan ng gutom"

6.) Kung mayaman ka, you are referred to as someone who is "scoliotic" Pero kung mahirap ka, ikaw ay "kuba"

7.) Kung ang señorita mo ay maitim, ang tawag ay "morena" o "kayumanggi"
Pero kung isa kang domestic na maitim, ikaw ay "ita" o "negrita" o "baluga" o "tsimay"

8.) Kung nasa high society ka at ikaw ay maliit, ang tawag sa iyo ay “petite" Kung mahirap ka lang, ikaway "pandak" o "bansot" o "unano" o "jabbar"

9.) Kung socialite ka, ikaw ay "pleasingly plump" Kapag mahirap ka at ika'y mataba, "tabatsoy" o "lumba-lumba"… pagminamalas ka, "baboy"

10.) Kung well-off ka at date ka rito, date ka roon, ang tawag sa iyo ay "game" Kung mahirap ka, ikaw ay"pakawala" o "pam-pam" o “pokpok”

11.) Kung mayamang alembong ka, ang tawag sa iyo ay "liberated" Pero kung isa kang dukha, ang tawag saiyo "malandi" o "haliparot" o "halipandas" o "dalahira"

14.) Kung may pera ka, ang tawag sa iyo "single parent" Pero kung wala kang trabaho, ang tawag sa iyo "disgrasyada"

15.) Ang tawag sa mayayamang puro gulay ang kinakain, "vegetarian" Habang kakaawa ang mahirap na kumakain ng damo."

16.) Sa exclusive school, "assertive" ang mga batang sumasagot sa mga guro.
Pero pag ang mga mahihirap na bata ang sumasagot sa mga guro, ang tawag sa kanila ay "walang hiya" o "walang modo" o "bastos"

17.) Ang mayamang tumatanda, "are graduating gracefully into senior citizenhood" Ang mga mahihirap ay "gumugurang"

18.) Ang anak ng mayaman ay "slow learner" Ang anak ng mahirap ay "bobo" o “gung-gong"

19.) Kung mayaman ka at marami kang kumain, you flatter your host who says, "masarap kang kumain andI like you, you do justice to my cooking"
Kung ghastly peasant ka eating the same amount in the same house, your host will say to himself na ikaw ay "patay-gutom" o "hampaslupa" o "masiba"

20.) Kung boss ka at binabasa mo ito sa PC mo, "okay lang" Pero kung ikaw ay hamak na empleyado lamang, ikaw ay "nagbubulakbol"… tignan mo baka nasa likod mo na ang boss mo! hahahaha!

Jan 19, 2010

OMG, Whatever happened to Toyang?

Title: OMG! Whatever Happened to Toyang? (an Eraserheads Musical)
MT-Adults class (Trumpets)
Songs: Toyang, Julie Tear Jerky, Huwag Kang Matakot, With A Smile, Overdrive, Ligaya, Pare Ko, Alapaap, Ang Huling El Bimbo, Magasin, Minsan
Venue : AFP theater












Julie (young Toyang) : Kelly Lati
Toyang : Kate Alvarez
Jestoni : Richard Imong
Buloy : Marx Velasco
Joy (young) : Milanne Pizarro
Tony : Ikey Canoy
Billy : Dae Lee
Joy (adult) : Jezz Evangelista
Mang Jimmy (narrator) : Rodney Baladjay
Aling Nena : Pamela Imperial
Maritess : Joan Cecilia "JC" Catubig
Dina : Hanna Cadaoas
Cherie : Maricef Valderrama
Sharon : Nita Solima
Kapitana Devine : Mari June "MJ" Navarro-Viray
Doray : Pauline Mercado
Michael George : Rodney Baladjay
Patricia : Lenz Sy
Aling Dionisya : Irene "Aya" Martin
Tambays : Johann, Red, Kevin & Jim

I enjoyed watching it...Thanks to the uploader... rodz04