It's a tough question, but one that every Christian must clearly answer.
Is God in everything?
My answer to this question reflects my confidence in Him.
It directly impacts my reaction in the midst of life's storms.
Is God in everything?
It makes the difference as to whether I will be able to experience contentment in the time of trial. My answer directly determines how obedient I will be to His will for my life.
Is God in everything in your life?
Paul teaches, "in everything give thanks . . . "
1 Thessalonians 5:18 -- If God is not in everything, can I honestly give thanks for everything?
Paul clarifies this idea of giving thanks when he writes :
Romans 8:28-29
Remember this . . .
The Bible says, "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them" (Psalm 34:7). So, every single one of His children is encircled by the presence of almighty God!
This means that literally every test or trial--whether it is in our jobs, finances, families, relationships, or health, whatever it may be--has to happen in the presence of our loving heavenly Father. He has allowed it. That's the only way. He is in everything.
Also sometimes we suffer . . .
because of other people's failures, their sins or their ignorance.
We can respond in one of two ways:
We can be resentful, hostile and angry. We can place blame and seek vengeance.
Or, we can say, "God You are working everything together for good. You didn't say I would like it. You didn't promise it would be pleasant. What do You want to teach me in this circumstance?"
One would always feel His presence if one is a believer. Without faith one is blind even deaf.
'te juliet
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